In (Ex)ile Lab: Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti

- 12.02 — 25.02 2024
- Artists in Residence
- Teatro Il Lavatoio
As part of the In Ex(ile) Lab project, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti will be traveling to Italy for two weeks in February for a residency to create 52 BLUE.
"A lone whale called 52 BLUE wanders the ocean while singing a song. A song accompany by a ghost guitar. How can life exist without the presence of the other, another?
When whales sing, they sing to survive, to mate, to travel, to pass the time and also for no reason at all. 52 Blue, a “special” species of whale, emits a sound at 52 hertz, a frequency so high that no other whale can bear its company. That’s it. Human beings: what do we do with people who distance themselves and cannot stand being with other people? We know, don’t we? And singing… Do you only sing in the shower? Singing can be a cry for help. Relaxation. Lust.
This piece is performed by a body that dances and another body that makes music. In a solitary manner.
Together they are that whale that could never live among us, because it doesn’t fit in this existence. It is inadequate. It’s a big whale, alone and blue, singing a song that cannot be heard.
It’s sad. It’s beautiful. It’s a song that makes us cry."
Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti
Ficha Artística
Performed, created and directed by Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti Performed, created and music by Norberto Lobo Dramaturgy and creative collaborators Um cavalo disse mamãe—Pierro Ramella, Bárbara Cordeiro, Francisca Pinto Lighting design and technical director Santiago Triccot Coproduced by Alkantara Executive producer Alkantara—Sinara Suzin Production Alkantara Support In Ex(ile) Lab - programa Europa Criativa, Santarcangelo Festival, La Caldera, Companhia Anagoor, Companhia Instável, PAF, Forum Dança, Teatro da malaposta