- 18.11.2022
- Earthways
Affective reforestations & Forest House
Earthways - Free Reforest School
- 18 - 20 NOV
- Earthways
Geni Núñez is an indigenous activist and psychologist. She has a PhD from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme in Human Sciences (UFSC) on the topic “Gender and its interrelations with reproduction, ethnicity and class”. She has a master’s degree from the Postgraduate Programme in Social Psychology (UFSC) on the topic “Processes of subjectivation, gender and diversities”. She focusses on anticolonial theory, whiteness research, ethnocide and other colonialities. She is the author of the ebook “Djatchy Djatere – O Saci Guarani”. She compiled the book “Não Monogamia LGBT” (APEKU, 2020). She wrote the back cover of the book “Lugares de Origem” by Ailton Krenak and Yussef Campos and the preface to the book “O desafio poliamoroso” by Brigitte Vasallo, and has contributed other chapters to books on ethnic-racial and gender themes.
She is a member of the Brazilian Articulation of Indigenous Psychologists (ABIPSI), co-assistant of the Guarani Yvyrupa Commission and a member of the Observatório OKA – Kunhangue Aty Guasu – Guarani Kaiowa. She has led training for the Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM-RJ), OAB/ESA (SP), SESC Interlagos, SESC 24 de maio, SESC Sorocaba, and Curso Parque Lage, among others.