- 26.11 - 27.11.2020
- Performances
Nadia Beugré
L'Homme rare

- THU 26.11.2020 7:00 PM
- FRI 27.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
Nadia Beugré (1981, Abidjan) began her career in a traditional dance company in the Ivory Coast. In 1997, she was one of the founders of the award-winning, all-woman Tché Tché dance company, along with Béatrice Kombé. She studies choreography at Germaine Acogny’s Ecole des Sables in Senegal and at the National Choreography Centre in Montpellier, under Mathilde Monnier. During this time she creates two solos, Un espace Vide: Moi (2008) e Quartiers Libres (2009). Her later group pieces, Legacy (2015), Tapis Rouge (2017) and Roukasskass Club (2018), tour widely and are presented at major events such as Festival d’Automne in Paris and the Holland Festival in Amsterdam. As a performer, she collaborates with Seydou Boro, Alain Buffard, Dorothée Munyaneza, Boris Charmatz, Bernardo Montet, and Faustin Linyekula. She is currently an associate artist at Vooruit in Ghent (until 2021).