Noé João
Noé João was born in Luanda in 1986. He lives in Lisbon. He has a degree in Economics from Lusíada University in Lisbon. He has a degree in creative writing from Escrever Escrever and currently works as a scriptwriter. In 2014 he was part of the writing team for the Angolan soap opera, Jikulumessu, produced by Semba Comunicação, which was nominated for an Emmy in the category of best soap opera, coordinated by Joana Jorge. In 2017, still with the same production company, he was part of the writing team for the soap opera script, Num Instante, coordinated by Eduarda Laia. He collaborated with the co-operative BAGA-BAGA in writing an advertising script. He took part in the production of the commemorations of the ten years of the BIP-ZIP project, organised by the Lisbon City Council (CML). In 2022 he was part of the writing team for the first season of the soap opera, O Rio, produced by Diamond Films, an adaptation of a South African soap opera. He took part in an artistic residency at the GRIOT Theatre Company as assistant director for the play A Dance of the Forests by Wole Soyinka, directed by Zia Soares. He made his stage debut with the play Cinzas do Vulto at ALAIM (Academia Livre de Artes Integradas do Mindelo), in Cape Verde, in an exhibition of resident artists, as part of the PROCULTURA-PALOP-TL project. In 2023 he was part of the writing team for the soap opera, Mahinga, also produced by Diamond Films, which was nominated for the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards (AMVCA) in the category of best original soap opera. Also in 2023, he wrote and directed the play, Ventos do Apocalipse, for the GRIOT Theatre Company, based on Paulina Chiziane's work of the same name.