Paula Diogo in residency at Espaço Alkantara

- 09.12 — 22.12 2024
- Espaço Alkantara
Aurora is a piece performed with the eyes closed. We don't know exactly where it takes place — whether in someone's living room, a blackbox, or the streets of a city. It draws a line between reality and fiction. A line that begins at the tip of a finger and extends into space.
Aurora is also the moment between night and day, the period of light before the sun rises, where everything is illuminated in a diffuse glow, caught in a tension between darkness, shadow, and light. It is a moment of not yet. It is also a promise, a desire, and an anticipation of what is to come.
In this project, Paula Diogo invites a group of artists to create a habitat for the body, allowing it to be thought of as tactile and reactive matter that, when deprived of sight, activates other ways of perceiving the world and relating to reality.
Paula Diogo has a background that explores transversal approaches to artistic creation, questioning languages and formats. Her work stems from studio experimentation, building dramaturgy through processes where practice and theory mutually inform and nourish each other.
Artistic Direction and Creation Paula Diogo Guest Artists João Lopes Pereira, Renato Linhares, Wilma Moutinho, Ângela Rocha, Mariana Ricardo, Masako Hattori, Joana Gomes, and Yaw Tembe Project Coordination Daniela Ribeiro Produced by Má-Criação Residencies Alkantara, Teatro Viriato, and Centro de Experimentação Artística do Vale da Amoreira / Moita Supported by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, apap - FEMINIST FUTURES project co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and Dançando com a Diferença

Paula Diogo was born in the suburbs of Lisbon, with no familial ties to the arts. Her interest in books and stories led her to study Literature and later Theater. Her work is strongly influenced by the environment around her, as well as her upbringing and family history. She explores themes such as legacy, memory, autobiography, and belonging. Her creations tend to be minimalist and take on various formats, including performance, stage pieces, video/audio works, and publications. In recent years, she has worked across the broad spectrum of the performing arts, blending...