João Abreu
Aki’s Phantom

- 03.03 — 15.03 2020
- Artists in Residence
- Espaço Alkantara
Aki’s Phantom is a conceptual investigation of new technologies of image production in film, namely motion capture. Introduced in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within(2001), motion capture technologies have continually developed over the last two decades.
The performance contemplates ideas of synthesis, agency and corporality as labour, and production of capital as disembodied data, fetishization, simulation, mimesis, and digital phantoms.
as they contemplate the surroundings, their gaze rarely meets yours
despite being aware of being gazed at, surveilled,
of being an object,
being a body,
João Abreu, natural de Guimarães, reside em Lisboa. Iniciou o curso de Arte Multimédia da Faculdade de Belas-Artes da UL. Em 2018, conclui o Programa Avançado de Criação em Artes Performativas do Fórum Dança com curadoria de Patrícia Portela, do qual resulta a performance But does it dance without a push?, apresentada na Galeria Monumental em Lisboa e no Teatro Académico Gil Vicente em Coimbra. Integra, em 2017, o elenco de Despertar da Primavera do Teatro Praga. Colaboração que se repete em Jângal – apresentado internacionalmente no Théâtre de la...