Alina Ruiz Folini

- 13.11 — 14.11 2023
- Espaço Alkantara
- Free tickets available at the venue
- 13.11 20h | 14.11 19h
- ages 12+
- 1h
A conspiracy of fictions, eroticisms, and breathing, after toxic suffocation.
When visiting the abandoned mines in Cabeço do Pião, in Fundão, the suffocating and toxic mining leftovers remained in our bodies: contaminated dust particles, the silenced stories of exploited workers, and, also, the monoculture of the compulsory heterosexual regime. From that feeling, we took as our starting point the gesture of breathing in its transformational and hallucinatory potential. We investigated the material of air as an invisible and living interface that creates circulations and unexpected meshes between human beings and more than humans. We conspire to create fictions of a community connected through the air and by collective rhythms of breathing. We experiment with eroticisms and vitalities by listening to our breathing, summoning vaporous, ethereal, and circulating forces.
Alina Ruiz Folini
Concept and direction Alina Ruiz Folini Creation and performance Alina Ruiz Folini, Emily da Silva, Bibi Dória Video creation Patrícia Black Support Bolsa de Formação Fundação C. Gulbenkian, DAS Choreography, Universidade das Artes de Amsterdão - AHK Artistic Residencies Estúdios Victor Cordon (Lisboa), Estúdio Parasita (Lisboa), Piscina (Lisboa), Materiais Diversos / Grand Studio (Bruxelas)

Artista, performer, coreógrafo não binário. O seu trabalho move-se entre coreografia, dança, escrita e práticas curatoriais. Realiza o Mestrado em Prática das Artes Performativas e Cultura Visual / Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid) 2017/18. Em 2020 faz parte do PACAP 4 - Programa Avanzado de Creação en Artes Performativas en Forum Dança (Lisboa), com curadoria de João dos Santos Martins. Atualmente realiza o programa de mestrado DAS CHOREOGRAPHY 2022/24 na Universidade das Artes de Amsterdam, com o apoio da Bolsa de Formação no Extrangeiro da...