Professional Gatherings

- 18.11 — 20.11 2023
The Alkantara Festival hosts three events for programmers, although anyone who is interested may attend. To receive more information about the sessions or to RSVP, please contact us at
Espaço Alkantara
18 NOV, 12 pm - 6 pm
Eight artists participated in the first Common Lab, part of the Common Stories project. At the end of their 8-week lab in Bobigny, Stockholm, Cairo and Lisbon, they open the studio doors at Espaço Alkantara for informal showings of the projects they are developing. With Saphir Belkheir (France/Algeria), Carys Coburn (Ireland), Stephanie Kayal (Belgium/Lebanon), Hang Hang (France/Vietnam), Nancy Ofori (Sweden/Ghana), Anna Ten (France/Ucraine), Billie Willett (Sweden), and Maíra Zenun (Portugal/Brazil). The Open Studio session is moderated by dramaturg Sarah Lewis-Cappellari.
More information about the artists and their projects here.
IN EXILE LAB: Meet the Artists
Espaço Alkantara
19 NOV, 11:30 am - 1 pm
An opportunity to meet with some of the artists supported by In Ex(ile) Lab, who reside in Cyprus, France, Italy and Portugal, and learn about the projects they are developing. With Eisa Baddour, Francisco Thiago Cavalcanti, Irkalla, Letícia Simões, and Liryc Dela Cruz.
COMMON STORIES: Reframing Authority and Authorship in the Arts
20 NOV
“If the building of a bridge does not enrich the awareness of those who work on it, then the bridge ought not to be built.”
Taking Franz Fanon’s premise as our starting point, we reflect on cultural appropriation, stripping of authorship, cultural racism and other types of artistic extractivism.
At a historical moment in which the concept of diversity has become hollow, particularly in arts discourse, this conference proposes radical pedagogies of transgression and insurrection in the arts scene, addressing the dimensions of authority and authorship as a way to facilitate (and perhaps accelerate) reparations and social justice.