Fim de semana - A arte de aprender
Seven Years Seven Schools

- 28.04 2021
- Seven Years Seven Schools
- Teatro São Luiz - Sala Mário Viegas
- Entrada gratuita, limitada à lotação da sala.
- 20H
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Cláudia Dias (Lisbon, 1972) is a Portuguese choreographer, performer, and teacher. Education Cláudia Dias began her dance training at Academia Almadense and received a scholarship to continue her training with Companhia de Dança de Lisboa. She completed the training program for Contemporary Dance performers at Fórum Dança and the Professional Course in Management of Cultural Organisations and Projects (Cultideias). She holds a Master’s degree in Performing Arts from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Performance & Creation Credits As a performer, Cláudia...