Sónia Batista

- 09.01 — 27.01 2023
- Artists in Residence
- Espaço Alkantara
While, twenty years ago, my first series of short pieces was about the end of youth, now, this second series of short pieces will be about the end of adulthood. While my first series of short shows celebrated a summer flourishing with desire and possibilities, this one marks the end of summer and the scent of oncoming autumn, of changes in the air, in body and in spirit, of becoming accustomed to a body in transformation and a new state that arrives, is accepted, and is welcomed. Chinese philosophy speaks of a fifth season of the year, late summer, an expectant period, of preparation for a new stage, serene and comforting. In the timeline of my life, I feel and see myself here, experiencing a late summer, preparing myself for the second half of my life physically, emotionally, artistically.
It is said that summer is nostalgic, that it brings many memories, memories of other summers. These short performance poems will be, perhaps, at heart, summer postcards. Wish you were here…
Sónia Baptista

Sónia Baptista (Lisbon, 1973) studied contemporary dance at Forum Dança (Lisbon) and holds a Master’s degree in Choreography and Performance from the University of Roehampton (London). As a performer and co-creater she has collaborated with Laurent Goldring, Patrícia Portela, Aldara Bizarro, Vera Mantero, Thomas Lehmann, Arco Renz, Teatro Cão Solteiro, AADK, Ligia Soares, Silvia Real, and Clara Amaral. In her work, she explores and experiments with dance, music, literature, theatre, and video. Her first solo work, Haikus, was awarded the Revelation in Dance prize...