Born in São Paulo — the city where she grew up in the daily flows of immigration and developed tactics for street expression as a member of party collectives — Ágatha CIGARRA has been a DJ, performer, music producer and cultural agent for over 15 years. She has spent half of that time in the Lisbon scene, working in partnership with the city and dissident artists. She has held residencies in the city’s foremost venues and is one of the driving forces behind the rise of street carnival in Portugal. Carniçeira, BLOCU, MeioFio (Alkantara Festival), Ancestrofuturismo, SOMA, Hystereofônica and Roda de Sample are just some of the projects she has led over the years as part of her research into decolonial intersections. Cigarra has played at festivals in more than 10 countries across Europe, Latin American and Asia, has produced an album (as Tripas Corassão), two EPs and several tracks on different international compilations, and has written and performed original soundtracks for dance, performance and film. Her music is engaging and seductive, blending the diasporic margins with emotive pop and subversive experimentation.