- 20.11.2022
- Earthways
The Fire and the Forest
Terra Batida - Escola Refloresta Livre

- 18 - 20 NOV
- Earthways
Helen Torres was born in Uruguay, grew up in Argentina and has lived in Catalonia, Spain, since 1991. She studied Political Science at the Universidade Nacional de Rosário and has master’s degrees in Cooperation and Development from the Universidade de Barcelona and in Sociology from the Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona. She has also studied English, screenwriting and dramaturgy. She works with publishers and research projects as a translator and editor; with universities and cultural organisations on courses and conferences; and with museums, art centres and social centres on cultural programmes and scientific dissemination, and the facilitation of workshops on speculative storytelling. She has published various articles and books (“Autopsia de una langosta” (Melusina, 2010); “Relatos Marranos” (Pol.len, 2015); and “Ciutat Morta. Crónica del caso 4F” (Huidobro, 2016). She is passionate about the work of Donna Haraway in the fields of biology and philosophy of science, which she has translated into Spanish: “Testigo_Modesto@Segundo_Milenio” (UOC, 2002); “Manifiesto Chthuluceno” (2016); “Generar parentescos en el Chthuluceno: reproducciendo una justicia multiespecies” (2019); and “Seguir con el problema” (consonni, 2020). She also translated the novel “Mujer al borde del tiempo” by Marge Piercy (consonni, 2020). Currently, she is translating “Simians, Cyborgs and Women” (Haraway, 1991) for Alianza Editorial.