The Fire and the Forest
Terra Batida - Escola Refloresta Livre

- 20.11 2022
- Teatro São Luiz
As inscrições para os workshops da Escola Refloresta Livre terminaram.
Os bilhetes para as conferências estarão disponíveis online em (50% da lotação) na véspera e na bilheteira do Teatro (restante 50% da lotação) no próprio dia, a partir das 15h, até 2 por pessoa.
A session between fire and forest, activating tools of speculative fiction, reading and writing practices, and voices from multispecies anthropology.
The final day of the Terra Batida programme and the close of the Free Reforest School sees a collaboration between Helen Torres, an Argentinian activist and storyteller based in Barcelona who is also the translator of the work of Donna Haraway in Spain, and Zoy Anastassakis, a Brazilian designer-anthropologist based in Lisbon, who coordinates a programme of independent “humusity” studies.
WORKSHOP - 'The fire and the forest: experiments of diffraction, fabulation and speculation' with com Helen Torres e Zoy Anastassakis

Considering Donna Haraway when she reminds us that “the material semiotics of fire in our times are at stake” (2016), how can we imagine the multiple, tangled relations between fire and the forest, as a game of disturbances, contaminations, ruins and resurgences, and the friction between them? To face this problem, we propose a number of experiments of diffraction, fabulation and speculation. From these speculative gestures, we look to provoke collectively a debate about the relations between fire and forest.
CONFERÊNCIA - 'O que nos contam as florestas em chamas? Histórias de ruínas e ressurgências em fricção.' com Helen Torres e Zoy Anastassakis, e moderação de Rita Natálio.

Os bilhetes para as conferências estarão disponíveis online em (50% da lotação) na véspera e na bilheteira do Teatro (restante 50% da lotação) no próprio dia, a partir das 15h, até 2 por pessoa.
Retomando conceitos e debates lançados por Anna Tsing e Donna Haraway, nesta palestra pensaremos com as histórias de florestas em chamas sobre ruínas e ressurgências em fricção. Brincando com um jogo de palavras recorrentes nas obras das duas autoras, observaremos os distúrbios causados pelos seres humanos queimadores de fósseis, mas, também, o que está em jogo na semiótica material do fogo para além do “Burning Man”.
What is Free Reforest School?
Free Reforest School is a 3-day programme organized by Earthways.
It is composed of 3 afternoon workshops followed by 3 public conferences open to all audiences, free of entrance.
The activities of the programme take place in the afternoon of November 18, 19 and 20.
Does the Free Reforest School take place in English?
Unfortunately the Free Reforest School is in Portuguese and no subtitles or translation will be provided.
What does the school involve?
The school is aimed at research and knowledge sharing regarding forests and their conflicts, in Portugal and Brazil, from a multidisciplinary perspective. Tools will be shared, artistic practices will be activated, ongoing projects will be presented and debates will be held.
How do I take part?
To take part of the workshops, registration must be done in advance, by filling a participation form. The form can be accessed HERE.
We ask that to register you are able to take part in the 3 afternoon workshops on 18, 19 and 20 November and at least one conference. Preference will be given to who can participate in all workshops days and conferences.
Can I only attend the conferences?
Yes to attend the confereces you'll have to book your free ticket on the day prior to the conference or collect it at São Luiz Municipal Theatre ticket office in the day of the event.
How much do tickets for the Free Reforest School cost?
All activities of the School are free of charge.
To participate do I need to have any specific knowladge?
No. This is a proposition for all people.
Helen Torres was born in Uruguay, grew up in Argentina and has lived in Catalonia, Spain, since 1991. She studied Political Science at the Universidade Nacional de Rosário and has master’s degrees in Cooperation and Development from the Universidade de Barcelona and in Sociology from the Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona. She has also studied English, screenwriting and dramaturgy. She works with publishers and research projects as a translator and editor; with universities and cultural organisations on courses and conferences; and with museums, art centres and...
Zoy Anastassakis is a Brazilian academic who in recent years has split her time between Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. She is a Bachelor in Design, and a Master and Doctor in Anthropology. She was the Director of the Higher School of Industrial Design at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2016-2018), where she has been Associate Professor since 2012. She also leads the “Design and Anthropology Laboratory” research group. At ESDI, she coordinated the university extension project “Correspondences”, which involved the creation of spaces of discussion...
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