Artist and researcher. Non-binary lesbian. Their areas of practice combine writing and performance, be it in production, teaching, research or in organising public programmes. They have organised a series of talk-performances dedicated to the relationship between language and geology, which have been presented internationally in a range of art spaces, theaters and academic contexts: Anthroposcenes (2017) with João dos Santos Martins, Geophagy (2018), and Fossil (2020). One of their most recent works — Spillovers (2023) — proposes a collectively imagined reinterpretation of Lesbian peoples: Material for a Dictionary (1976), an iconic work of lesbian feminism by Monique Wittig and Sande Zeig. In 2019, at the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon, Ritó co-organised a screening of Indigenous cinema with Indigenous filmmakers and curators, along with a collective of Portuguese researchers and activists, including Ailton Krenak. Since 2020, Ritó has led Terra Batida, a network of people, practice and knowledge working against forms of ecological violence and the politics of abandonment. Since 2023, they have collaborated with least — an ecology and art laboratory based in Geneva — on the project Peau Pierre (Skin Stone), a durational work focussing on ecoqueer pedagogies in partnership with local associations. They are an associated artist of Associação Parasita, an organisation funded by the República Portuguesa – Ministério da Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes from 2023-2024.