- 20.11.2022
- Earthways
The Fire and the Forest
Terra Batida - Escola Refloresta Livre

- 18 - 20 NOV
- Earthways
Zoy Anastassakis is a Brazilian academic who in recent years has split her time between Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. She is a Bachelor in Design, and a Master and Doctor in Anthropology. She was the Director of the Higher School of Industrial Design at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2016-2018), where she has been Associate Professor since 2012. She also leads the “Design and Anthropology Laboratory” research group. At ESDI, she coordinated the university extension project “Correspondences”, which involved the creation of spaces of discussion between indigenous artists and researchers and students and design researchers. In 2017, she was a visiting researcher on the project “Knowing from the inside: Anthropology, Art, Architecture and Design”, led by Tim Ingold at the Department of Anthropology at University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Between 2019 and 2020, she conducted post-doctoral research at the Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA) in Lisbon, as a member of the investigative body. She is the author of the books “Triunfos e Impasses: Lina Bo Bardi, Aloisio Magalhães e o design no Brasil” (Lamparina, 2014), “Refazendo Tudo: congratulações em meio aos cupins na universidade” (Zazie, 2020) and “Everyday acts of design: learning in a time of emergency” (co-authored with Marcos Martins, Bloomsbury, 2022). In 2020, she devised the programme of independent “humusities” studies