Flora Détraz e Camille Lacroix

- 02.05 2019
- Portas Abertas
- Artistas em residência
- Portas Abertas
- Espaço Alkantara
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Glottis is a duo project between the plastic artist/sound designer Camille Lacroix and the dance performer/choreographer Flora Détraz.
In a performance-concert, Glottis will take the cross-shape to invite the audience to an immersive experience where sound images and visual sensations blur.
The two performers will perform in a moving set, alluding to a cave-grotto, a glottis and a bird nest at the same time. As a ethological study in a fantasized landscape, this proposition will plunge us into the abyss.
This bird-women or mad-Pythia duo will get to grips with an unknown language to access occult forces.
Following on from the other plays of the company PLI, the voice will be the main subject matter of this research. We will question its supernatural and prophetic powers this time
Notas Biográficas
Flora Détraz has a ballet background and follow literature studies. She enters the course at Centre Chorégraphique National Lyon, under Maguy Marin, and then completed her choreographic studies in Forum Dança, in Lisbon.
In her pieces, she questions the relationship between voice and movements : Peuplements (2013), Gesächt (2014), Tutuguri (2016),Muyte Maker (2018). As a performer, she works with the choreographers Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Laurent Cebe, Sara Anjo and Cédric Cherdel.
Camille Lacroix studied scenography in Ecole National des Arts-décoratifs (Paris) and got a Master degree in Fine Arts at Amiens University. Recently, her work extended to the field of sound creation.
She attended the course of electro-acoustic composition at EMS in Stockholm, at collectif MU in Paris and at Conservatoire de Pantin (Paris).
As a set designer, she collaborates with Flora Détraz-cie Pli and Cie du Point d’Assemblage or Cie Pli.
Recently, she co-directed the piece Abysse and the landscape installation, (R)evolution.

Flora Détraz tem formação em ballet e prossegue estudos literários. Entrou no curso do Centre Chorégraphique National Lyon, sob a direcção de Maguy Marin, e depois completou os estudos coreográficos no PEPCC, Forum Dança, em Lisboa. Teve a oportunidade de conhecer artistas como Marlene Monteiro Freitas, Vera Mantero, Lia Rodrigues, Meredith Monk, Loïc Touzé, Meg Stuart, Jonathan Burrows, entre outros, que influenciaram o seu próprio trabalho. Começou a criar as suas próprias peças em 2013, questionando a relação entre a voz e o movimento: Peuplements...
Camille Lacroix studied scenography in Ecole National des Arts-décoratifs (Paris) and got a Master degree in Fine Arts at Amiens University. Recently, her work extended to the field of sound creation. She attended the course of electro-acoustic composition at EMS in Stockholm, at collectif MU in Paris and at Conservatoire de Pantin (Paris). As a set designer, she collaborates with Flora Détraz-cie Pli and Cie du Point d’Assemblage or Cie Pli. Recently, she co-directed the piece Abysse and the landscape installation, (R)evolution.