Michelle Moura and Sara Anjo
Nós aqui neste passinho

- 18.09 — 27.09 2019
- Open Calls
- Artists in Residence
- Open Studio
- Estúdios Victor Córdon
Michelle Moura and Sara Anjo are seeking 8 performers who identify as women to workshop their choreographic project, Nós aqui neste passinho. They are interested in performers who are experiencing transitions (country, maternity, gender, profession, or others) and resistance in their lives. The workshop will take place at Estúdios Victor Cordon and in public spaces in Lisbon. All participants will receive a meal allowance.
How are we choreographed by political and social changes? How are we choreographed by geography, by culture, and by public space? What actions generate change, freedom, or create new realities? During the workshop we will explore notions of collectivity, autonomy, occupation of public space, and proximity to the audience.
Nós aqui neste passinho is a choreographic project that began in 2018 with a workshop during Festival Fiar in Palmela. It continues now in collaboration with Beatriz Dias, Clarissa Rego, Louisa Cascon, Nina Botkay, and 8 guest performers.
Date and time
September 18-27 (Monday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm)
Location: Estúdios Vítor Cordon and public spaces in Lisbon
* Public showing on September 26 at 1 pm (location TBA)
Please send a short CV and cover letter describing how you understand resistance today and how resistance occurs in your life to nosaquinessepasso@gmail.com
Deadline 11 September 2019
Results 13 September 2019
Sobre as artistas
Michelle Moura é coreógrafa e bailarina brasileira, vive em Berlim. Em suas criações interessa-se por criar modos de gerar mudanças psico-físicas como em FOLE (2013) e BLINK mini uníssono intenso lamúrio (2015). Sua mais recente criação é Enquanto Somos Humanos (2019), em colaboração com Maikon K. Suas obras foram apresentadas em festivais internacionais de dança na América do Sul e Europa, incluindo o Impulstanz (Viena), Panorama Festival (Rio de Janeiro) e HAU – Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin). Como intérprete, trabalhou com Vincent Dupont (FR), Raphaëlle Latini|Groupe Entorse (FR), WilhelmGroener (DE), Dani Lima (BR) e Alex Cassal (PT). Fez seus estudos de dança no Programa Essais, CNDC d’Angers | FR (2010) e Das Choreography (2015), Amsterdão .
Sara Anjo bailarina e coreógrafa, interessa-se por práticas meditativas que geram mudanças psico-físicas, sendo a respiração e a acção de caminhar as principais. Questiona-se permanentemente acerca do que nos move? Como nos movemos? E para onde nos movemos? No seu trabalho coreográfico interessa-se por desenvolver teatro sónico, explorando a coreografia e o espaço performativo na sua dimensão sonora. Criou Ninguém Sabia Contar Aquela História, um espectáculo feminista em colaboração com 6 artistas (BoxNova CCB 2011); Paisagens Líquidas, uma dança que viaja pelo Lavadouro Público de Carnide (Teatro do Silêncio 2012); Em Forma de Árvore, um solo sobre in-quietude (Negócio-ZDB 2016); Sacro, uma caminhada magnética (Negócio-ZDB 2018). Desde 2012 participa no projecto Caminhar do Teatro do Silêncio. Formou-se em dança pela Academia de Dança Contemporânea (2001) e tem mestrado em coreografia pela Das Graduate School de Amesterdão (2016).
Coproduced by Alkantara, with additional funding from the Embassy of Austria and Républica Portuguesa-Cultura/Direção-Geral das Artes.

Michelle Moura is a Brazilian choreographer and performer living in Berlin. Among her creations there are FOLE (2013), HORSE (2010) and BLINK mini unison intense whimper (2015), where she develops strategies to generate psycho-physical changes. A contrast between her previous creations is Choreography Study # 1 (2016), where he develops her interest in structure. Her creations were presented at international dance festivals in South America and Europe, including the Panorama Festival (BR), HAU – Hebbel am Ufer (DE) and the Musée de la danse (FR). As an interpreter,...

Sara Anjo (PT 1982) is a dancer and choreographer interested in meditative practices that generate psico-physical changes, breathing and walking are the main ones. She permanently questions herself about: what moves us? How do we move? And to where are we moving? As a maker she is interested in choreographic proposals that activate a sonic theatre, where choreography and the performative space are explored through soundscape. She devised “Nobody would know to tell that story” a feminist performance where she collaborated with 6 female artists (BoxNova CCB 2011);...