- 12.11 - 13.11.2022
- Performances
Ana Pi
The Divine Cypher

- SAT 12.11.2022 7:00 PM
- SUN 13.11.2022 7:00 PM
- Performances
Choreographic and imagery artist, researcher of Afro-diasporic and urban dances, extemporary dancer and pedagogue, her practices are woven through the act of travelling. Her work is situated among the notions of transit, displacement, belonging, superposition, memory, colors and ordinary gestures.
In 2020 she created the structure NA MATA LAB. Amid her audiovisual works stand out NoirBLUE — the displacements of a dance (2018 – 27'), her first documentary, and VÓS (2011 – 5'30), her first video essay. THE DIVINE CYPHER, Fumaça, Meditation on Beauty, èscultura, O BΔNQUETE, COROA, NoirBLUE, DRW2 and Le Tour du Monde des Danses Urbaines in 10 villes, are her pieces that articulate choreography, discourse and installation. CORPO FIRME; danças periféricas, gestos sagrados is the name of the practice she has been developing and sharing since 2010. Currently, she is working on Another Anagram of Ideas, a project for which she won the grant for art in Latin America from MoMA – New York and Cisneros Institute, as well as on RAW ON dance work for Paris Performance at the Pernod Ricard Foundation. Between 2019 and 2021, she was the associate choreographer of the Dancing Museums project in France and developed the research between MAC Val and La Briqueterie CDCN. In collaboration, she created the set of works entitled Rádio Concha with the philosopher Maria Fernanda Novo for the Trienal Frestas, as well as the choreographic exhibition WOMEN PART 3 with Ghyslaine Gau and Annabel Guérédrat, then worked with the participation of @Favelinhadance and Chassol on the essay called RACE in 2021.
In 2022, beyond touring her own pieces and teaching in various programs, she collaborates with Laurence Ayi, Julien Creuzet with Badgyalcassiee, and participates in Usage du Terrain, a project initiated by Rémy Héritier with a group of 9 transdisciplinary artists. She is also invited to the international Assembly of Mutants in Dakar, Senegal. Ana Pi is associate artist at Latitudes Prod., Latitudes Contemporaines' production office.