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Atlas of the Mouth by Gaya de Medeiros

Fóssil by Rita Natálio

ALKANARA - Atlas of the Mouth by Gaya de Medeiros - ©Rui Soares
@ Rui Soares
  • 07.07 2022
  • Mostra BRABA
  • Open Studio
  • Espaço Alkantara
  • ages 12+
  • 45 MIN

Sessão esgotada

Following an avant-premiere at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II during the 2021 Alkantara Festival, Atlas da Boca by Gaya de Medeiros will premiere this summer at Espaço Alkantara.

In Atlas of the Mouth, two trans bodies investigate the mouth as a place of many intersections: words, identity, and voice; public and private; eroticism and politics. The performance seeks to contribute new narratives, exploring entries that are created from the mouth out and understood from the mouth in.

Join us for a conversation with the artists and invited guests after each performance (in Portuguese).


Directed and produced by Gaya de Medeiros Cocreated and performed by Ary Zara, Gaya de Medeiros Designer, provocateur, and creator of the "Brief Atlas da Boca" João Emediato Videos Ary Zara Light and set design João Pedro Fonseca Costumes Kahumbi (Feiticeire) Sound technician Milton Estevam Translation and subtitles Joana Frazão Coproduced by Alkantara and Companhia Olga Roriz Management Irreal Supported by Self-Mistake Institutional Support República Portuguesa - Cultura | DGARTES - Direção Geral das Artes

Fóssil (Excerto)

ALKANARA - Pessoa a brincar com um dinossaouro, no fundo de um papel de tela que mostra a selva - ©Luísa Homem
© Luísa Homem

No contexto do lançamento da plataforma Braba, Rita Natálio apresenta um excerto de 15 minutos da performance “Fóssil”, um trabalho de 2020 que integra uma série de performances-conferência em torno das relações entre linguagem e geologia, como “Antropocenas”/2017 (colaboração com João dos Santos Martins) e “Geofagia”/2018.

Se a figura do zombie foi central para entender o funcionamento do capitalismo e do conceito de biopolítica no século XX, a figura do fóssil – o que é extraído da terra e o que acumula tempo ou história – convida hoje a pensar sobre a crise generalizada que muites têm chamado de Antropoceno. Aqui se constrói um fóssil do extrativismo contemporâneo, refletindo sobre como a geologia e os processos que ocorrem “dentro da terra” estão inscritos e se inscrevem na história humana. Um livro-performance onde a linguagem atravessa diferentes escalas e se expõe à sabotagem.

Ficha Artística

Performance e Texto Rita Natálio Escultura Hugo Canoilas Som Rui Antunes e João Diogo Pratas Diálogos textuais Elizabeth Povinelli, Katryn Yussof, Karen Pinkus, Malcolm Ferdinand Assistência artística João dos Santos Martins Produção Associação Parasita Ensaios e residências MDance, Espaço Alkantara, Estúdios Victor Cordon, PENHA SCO Apoio Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar

Gaya de Medeiros

Gaya de Medeiros is a trans woman, dancer, drag queen, choreographer, producer, and director. She is trained in animation, ballet, contemporary dance, and dramaturgy. She danced with Companhia de Dança do Palácio das Artes for nine years. Gaya has created three solos (É o amor outra vez, Proteína Desnaturada and After Party) and was a cofounder and producer of Rede Sola de dança. She has choreographed for Drag Taste Lisbon (2019-2021). In Portugal, she has worked with Gustavo Ciríaco and Tiago Cadete, among others. In 2021 she founded BRABA, a platform that aims...

Ary Zara

Ary Zara is a non-binary trans person, who studied film at Universidade Lusófona and University of Texas at Austin. Recepient of a ZON award and with a script for a feature length film sold to Ukbar Filmes, they/he works on queer video esthetics and is currently in pre-production for a short film funded by ICA and produced by Take It Easy. They/he founded the activist project T Guys Cuddly Too, through which they/he has participated as a speaker in various events and delivers workshops in businesses and schools.

Ritó (Rita Natálio)

Artist and researcher. Non-binary lesbian. Their practice spaces relate poetry, essay writing and performance. PhD student in Art Studies at FCSH-UNL and Anthropology at USP, with FCT scholarship, researches, since 2014, the recent debate on the concept of Anthropocene and its impact on the disciplinary and aesthetic redefinition of the relations between art, politics and ecology. They have studied Choreographic Performing Arts at the University of Paris VIII and holds a Master's degree in Psychology from PUC-SP where they studied the relations between imitation and...

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