Marlene Monteiro Freitas & Cia. Dançado com a Diferença

- 26.11 — 27.11 2022
- ages 12+
- 75 min
'Ôss' is the result of a collaboration between Marlene Monteiro Freitas and the company Dancing With Difference. In this piece, performers from the company explore their relationships with different parts of their bodies, starting from the physical matter that gives those bodies form.
Ôss is the word for bone in Creole. It also recalls OSS, a common expression in karate relating to feelings of pressing, pushing, enduring and tolerating. But what this performance is interested in is the bone as keeper and teller of the secrets of millennia, as guardian of anatomical orientations, as support for soft and fragile body parts.
Here the strong skeletons that give bodies definition can be constructed with feet that have the function of a brain, hearts that serve as elbows, or knees that are a liver and an ear. In Ôss, the difference between hard and soft means little, both are useful as structures.
Ôss is the most recent work by Marlene Monteira Freitas, known for her electric and Dionysian pieces, and the company Dancing With Difference, which brings people with and without disabilities together on stage for a single cause: dancing, with artistic direction by Henrique Amoedo.
Performance Bárbara Matos, Bernardo Graça, Joana Caetano, Maria João Pereira, Mariana Tembe, Paulo Sérgio BEJu, Rui João Costa, Sara Rebolo and Telmo Ferreira Choreography Marlene M. Freitas Choreography support Hsin-Yi Hsiang Creation support Paulo Sérgio BEJu and Telmo Ferreira Light and space Yannick Fouassier Sound Rui Antunes Costumes (conception) Marlene M. Freitas Audio description (script and narration) José Gregório Rojas Production Dançando com a Diferença (Madeira) and P.OR.K (Soraia Gonçalves, Joana Costa Santos - Lisboa) Cia. Dançando com a Diferença - Artistic direction Henrique Amoedo Coproduction Cendrev - Teatro Garcia de Resende

Marlene Monteiro Freitas (Cabo Verde, 1979) studied dance at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels and at Escola Superior de Dança and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon. In her native country, Cabo Verde, she co-founded the dance group Compass and collaborated with the musician Vasco Martins. She has worked with Emmanuelle Huynh, Loïc Touzé, Tânia Carvalho and Boris Charmatz, among others. Her productions include: Bacantes – Prelude To A Purge (2017), Jaguar (2015), with Andreas Merk, Of Ivory And Flesh - Statues Also Suffer (2014), Paradise – private collection...
Founded in 2001, Cia. Dançando com a Diferença (Dancing With Difference) is an Inclusive Dance company based in Madeira (Portugal), which, over its 20 years of activity, has developed the concept of inclusive dance through a range of artistic practices. The company’s ongoing work – both in Madeira and in the city of Viseu, where it has a residential hub at Teatro Viriato – focuses on bringing together dancers with and without disabilities on stage. Henrique Amoedo, the project’s founder and mentor, created the concept of Inclusive Dance. Under his Artistic...