Afropolitan – Afrodiaspora in Transit in Out of the Dark Night

- 25.11 2022
- Arroz Estúdios
- Free entry for Arroz Estúdios menbers. Non-members can join the Arroz Estúdios Membership at the door of the event for 3€ (annual fee).
- 23H - 5H
A queerative intervention by DIDI to celebrate Afrodiasporic artistic expression, through the medium of a party and the history of artistic and cultural representations including images, sounds, tastes, wisdom and traditions.
Afropolitan is Africa as a meeting point of different migratory movements. “By maintaining their ancestral cultures, the symbolic territories that the Afrodiaspora travels through become centres for African (re)existence – a locus of combat against the global societal (cis)tem grounded in Eurocentric colonialism – or, otherwise, they promote the expansion of the idea of the African diaspora throughout the world.” (MBEMBE, 2018)
“AFROPOLITAN – The Party – Afrodiaspora in Transit” aims to reaffirm and propagate the theme of Afrodiasporic identities in contemporary European territories. It is part of a strategy of Black artivism, in which artistic expression contributes to the fight for the political and cultural emancipation of Black people and people of African descent in the territories of the Afrodiaspora.
Emancipatory struggles, conducted through the lens of recognition and affirmation of identity, are fundamental to the strengthening of the body-existence of people of African descent. These struggles take place in spaces of collective and ritual artistic expression, such as the temples of the candomblé or quilombo, and include: samba, afoxés, bailes funk, kizomba, funana, kuduro, afro house, Azonto Afrobeat, hip hop battles and the ballroom community, among others.
These sociocultural and artistic knowledges/activities have shown and continue to show potential for thinking through identity in globalised times. Their primordial function is to encourage the development of an ethical, questioning conscience within a reality that is masked, silenced or relativised in most spaces of sociocultural, educational and political training and practice.
To make Afropolitana with them, DIDI invited the artists antonyo omolu, Batukaderas Bandeirinha da Boba, Danykas DJ, Indi Mateta, Petra.Preta and ROD.
Início - DIDI
23:00 - 23:30
Batukaderas Bandeirinha da Boba
23:30 -00:15
Antonyo Omolu - performance
00:15 - 0:30
Indi Mateta
00:30 -02:00
Danykas DJ
02:00- 03:45
3:45 - 5:00

Di Candido aka DIDI is an afroqueer body in transit between Brazil, UK and Portugal, working, persisting and resisting through the mediums of research, cultural production and performance as a DJ, singer, and visual/multidisciplinary artist. Founder of the creative unit/party Bee, The United Kingdom of Beeshas (bee_lx) at Damas, as one of the first parties which brought #blackqueermagic to the centre of Lisbon. DIDI moves in connection with collectives, artists and makers from all of the diaspora, in cultural projects and creative industries. Also in the production...

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Hybrid artist who navigates through the waters of theatrical anthropology and who, as a practical-reflexive-theoretical researcher in this practice, introduces himself as an actor-dancer – a definition coined by Eugênio Barba to delineate the profile of the artist who investigates and practices the pre-expressive behaviour of the human being in a situation of organized representation: in Brazil he has experience in contemporary dance, theatre, Afro-Brazilian dance (dance of the orixás), scenic groups from Afro-Brazilian popular culture, such as the congada from...

Danykas DJ was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal. The love of music has been a constant in her life, a feeling she has known since her earliest years at home. Her musical spirit was cultivated by her mother and father, who, in her own words, are an entire encyclopaedia of African, Arab, Latin and Portuguese music. Her musical luggage is thus always packed ready for voyages without borders. This shared family love for music led to her first interest in the world of DJing, at 11 years old, when she witnessed the parties thrown by the group ‘BlackProject, created by...

Indi Mateta is a multidisciplinary artist born, raised and now living in Luanda. She is a visual artist, music enthusiast and a fan of music festivals — one of those people who fall asleep listening to music and wake up singing. An unexpected turn of events in 2017 saw her first experience as a selector, since when she has dedicated herself increasingly to DJing as another artistic expression of her Black African identity. Her multifaceted DJ sets are full of African and Afrodiasporic rhythms from various eras, ranging in intensity and danceability depending on the...

Rodrigo Ribeiro Saturnino aka ROD is a researcher and visual artist. PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, and post-doctorate from the Centre for Communication and Society Studies at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, where they are currently researching digital platforms on the Internet and algorithmic racism. They have published in several academic and scientific journals nationally and internationally. As a visual artist, their practice focuses on decolonial criticism. They have participated in a number of...

With a degree in theatre from ESTC, she is a pluridisplinary artist and art educator. From her place of speech, she questions issues of identity and social systems and the power relations that operate as an inheritance from a colonial past. Besides her artistic work, she is co-creator of Invisible Stories, an educational project, supported by CMA, which aims to reflect on the concepts of Identity, Historical Memory and Human Rights through the Arts. She expresses herself mainly in the techniques of painting, illustration, performance and writing, although the form of...