Seven Years
Seven Pieces
Seven Yeas Seven Pieces is a long-term project developed by choreographer Cláudia Dias and produced by Alkantara. Each year of the project (2016-2022) is named after a day of the week, from Monday to Sunday. Each day of the week becomes the title for a new piece by Cláudia Dias, created in collaboration with a guest artist. Each piece is the starting point for other collaborations: with young people and school communities in Seven Years Seven Schools; and with an illustrator, writers and readers in Seven Years Seven Books.
From 2022 the project is managed by the cultural association Sete Anos, with artistic direction of Cláudia Dias.
- 01.11.2016
- Seven Years Seven Pieces
All that is solid melts into air (2017)

- Seven Years Seven Pieces
- 17.11 - 19.11.2020
- Seven Years Seven Pieces
The end of the world... or maybe not (2020)

- Seven Years Seven Pieces