- 10.03.2019
- Open Studio
- Artists in Residence
- Open Studio
Ana Rita Teodoro
em residência com 'FoFo'

- SUN 10.03.2019 9:00 PM
- Open Studio
- Artists in Residence
- Open Studio
Ana Rita Teodoro. Barreiro 1982. Holds a Master from the CNDC in Angers and from the University Paris 8, where she started working on her project Delirious Anatomy, drawing on her scientific and philosophical studies. She recently receives a grant to study with Yoshito Ohno from the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian and was a recipient of the Aide à la recherche et au Patrimoine en Danse from the CN D, to continue her research into the butoh. She has choreographed the works: MelTe, Orifice Paradis, Gut’s Dream, Plateau, Pavilion and Shade. Ana Rita Teodoro is an associated artist at the CN D (Centre National de Danse, Pantin, France).
A Reading of Vegetable Beings: oracles for the re-enchantment of the Earth