Alkantara Festival 2020

- 13.11 — 30.11 2020
Got questions? We’ve got answers.
People often say that art is about asking questions, and that is where its transformative potential lies. We’ve probably said as much. But the more we have worked on this programme, the more we have come to think that the potential of art lies not in the questions it asks, but in the answers it provides.
People often say, too, that art is about singular visions. A draft of this text included something along those lines. But the more we think about what we want for artists and audiences, the more strongly we feel about shifting the focus from singular visions to robust communities that bring forth ideas and aesthetics, and participate in larger social, political, and cultural movements.
We see these twin notions — of art that dreams of answers and communities of change — running through the programme of the 2020 Alkantara Festival. We don’t know yet what answers the programme will bring; that is the difficulty of writing before the fact. But even before we sit, and feel, and think in the theatre together, we can venture a few guesses.
When the history books can’t — or won’t — tell the whole story, Faustin Linyekula, Dina Mimi, and Radouan Mriziga find life stories, family archives, dreams, and mythologies to fill in the blanks.
When we expect dancers to be silent, Eszter Salamon (in collaboration with Vânia Doutel Vaz) and João dos Santos Martins find ways for them to speak.
When language or culture holds back parts of who we are, Dana Michel, Sorour Darabi, and Nadia Beugré show us what we are missing, with bodies, movement, and presence.
When faced with the unknown, Cláudia Dias is unafraid to speculate about the future. Flora Détraz finds a voice from deep within to communicate with it. Sónia Baptista prescribes a way to face it, with anger and optimism. Cão Solteiro & André Godinho unapologetically make it up as they go along.
Finally, the Terra Batida network enlists artists, researchers, lawyers, and activists to answer ecological violence with practices of resistance and care. Their programme of talks and performances by Marta Lança, Joana Levi, Sílvia das Fadas, Ana Rita Teodoro, Maria Lúcia Cruz Correia, Vera Mantero, and Rita Natálio runs through this year’s festival and beyond.
We began this introductory note by sharing a vision of a robust arts community situated within larger social, political, and cultural movements. We need look no further than ourselves, our staff, and our programming to see that we are falling short of the larger change we wish to see. We cannot wish to see Black futures, trans futures, accessible futures, futures for women, or futures for the environment on stage without bringing those visions to bear in our own organisation, where we are best positioned to make change. To the question of what we are doing to create a more just future, we are formulating an overdue answer. It starts with accepting responsibility (more on that to come) and putting our money where our mouth is (and on that, too).
Not all of the answers are clear yet, but this is what we want to offer today: a way of looking at the programme we are so pleased to finally share. We invite you to recognise the questions, understand how they connect to larger conversations, and hold us all accountable for the answers we provide in November. That is how we are robust. That is how we elevate ideas. That is how we bring about the future.
Carla Nobre Sousa and David Cabecinha, 13 October 2020
Related articles:
- 13.11 - 15.11.2020
- Performances
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Vânia Doutel Vaz
Still Dance for Nothing (2020)

- FRI 13.11.2020 7:00 PM
- SAT 14.11.2020 11:00 AM
- SUN 15.11.2020 11:00 AM
- Performances
- 17.11 - 18.11.2020
- Performances
Radouan Mriziga

- TUE 17.11.2020 7:00 PM
- WED 18.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
- 15.11.2020
- Earthways
- Talks
Terra Batida
Terra Batida: Introducing the network

- SUN 15.11.2020 4:00 PM
- Earthways
- Talks
- 19.11 - 21.11.2020
- Performances
Sorour Darabi

- THU 19.11.2020 7:00 PM
- FRI 20.11.2020 7:00 PM
- SAT 21.11.2020 11:00 AM
- Performances
- 26.11 - 27.11.2020
- Performances
Nadia Beugré
L'Homme rare

- THU 26.11.2020 7:00 PM
- FRI 27.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
- 23.11 - 24.11.2020
- Performances
João dos Santos Martins

- MON 23.11.2020 7:00 PM
- TUE 24.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
- 17.11 - 19.11.2020
- Performances
Cláudia Dias
Sexta-feira: O fim do mundo... Ou então não

- TUE 17.11.2020 9:00 PM
- WED 18.11.2020 7:00 PM
- THU 19.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
- 16.11 - 17.11.2020
- Performances
- Earthways
Joana Levi
Rasante [Terra Batida]

- MON 16.11.2020 7:30 PM
- TUE 17.11.2020 7:30 PM
- Performances
- Earthways
Double bill with Superintensiva by Marta Lança
- 24.11 - 27.11.2020
- Performances
Dina Mimi
Grinding the Wind

- TUE 24.11.2020 9:00 PM
- WED 25.11.2020 9:00 PM
- THU 26.11.2020 9:00 PM
- FRI 27.11.2020 9:00 PM
- Performances
- 19.11.2020
- Performances
- Earthways
Sílvia das Fadas (with Francisco Janes)
Light, Blaze, Fulgor [Terra Batida]

- THU 19.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Performances
- Earthways
Light, Blaze, Fulgor: Auguries for a Non-hierarchical Framing and Flourishing
- 23.11 - 24.11.2020
- Earthways
- Research
Maria Lúcia Cruz Correia and Vera Mantero

- MON 23.11.2020 7:00 PM
- TUE 24.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Earthways
- Research
Nov 23th - Maria Inês Gameiro Nov 24th - Margarida Mendes
- 21.11.2020
- Culture Forum
Coproducing in the good times and the bad
Conversation facilitator Vânia Rodrigues

- SAT 21.11.2020 3:00 PM
- Culture Forum
In collaboration with Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista/Loja Lisboa Cultura
- 20.11.2020
- Earthways
- Research
Ana Rita Teodoro
A Reading of Vegetable Beings [Terra Batida]

- FRI 20.11.2020 7:00 PM
- Earthways
- Research
A Reading of Vegetable Beings: oracles for the re-enchantment of the Earth
- 26.11 - 27.11.2020
- Performances
- Earthways
Rita Natálio
Fóssil [Terra Batida]

- THU 26.11.2020 6:30 PM
- FRI 27.11.2020 6:30 PM
- Performances
- Earthways
Followed by a conversation (in Portuguese) with João Ruivo [26.11], Climáximo (Carlos Godinho) and Greve Climática Estudantil (Andreia Galvão e Sofia Oliveira) [27.11]
- 26.11 - 27.11.2020
- Performances
Faustin Linyekula
Histoire(s) du Théâtre II

- THU 26.11.2020 9:00 PM
- FRI 27.11.2020 9:00 PM
- Performances
- 16.11 - 17.11.2020
- Performances
- Earthways
Marta Lança
Superintensiva [Terra Batida]

- MON 16.11.2020 7:30 PM
- TUE 17.11.2020 7:30 PM
- Performances
- Earthways
Double bill with Rasante by Joana Levi
- 29.11 - 30.11.2020
- Performances
Flora Détraz

- SUN 29.11.2020 11:00 AM
- MON 30.11.2020 11:00 AM
- Performances